
mental health




Vibrations: Refers to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium point


Every cell in our body is in motion… Vibrating. Noting is truly solid. It is only degrees of motion. Simply by being alive we carry an energy field. The energy we carry within us is sometimes referred to as the breath of life or “Prana.” Our Prana is within our heart Chakra (see Chakras in a later chapter). This breath of life emits an electrical vibration (see also Aura in a later chapter).

Unlike what you learn in school regarding magnets (opposites attract), your vibration attracts more of the same (Law of Attraction). Think of it as tuning in to a station to get more of that same frequency.


Bible Verse: Joshua 1:8-9

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


To “meditate on it day and night” on something can also be seen as holding a certain energy level. Everything is made of energy. Think about this. Everything is made of atoms. The coffee table, the food you eat, the pets we have, the plants that grow… everything. Atoms are electrons and neutrons zipping around a nucleus… energy. All moving at different rates or vibrations. Some things are moving at a slower rate and have less awareness. A coffee table is vibrating at a slower rate than you are. It is not as ascended or aware as you are. But, it is alive with energy at the same time. It’s atoms are still spinning around, so that it can exist. It appears solid but isn’t really.

A living plant vibrates at a certain frequency. It reacts to stimuli. Tests have shown plants react better to one type of music than another, because of frequency. It is attracted to a certain frequency or vibration. The food you eat is made of atoms. They are spinning around and have energy that your body absorbs. 

Know your vibration by knowing your mood. Your mood is your guide. Seek joy in your life as this will affect your mood and ultimately the vibration you are emitting to the universe. Remember, your vibration is a request to the universe for more of the same.

Also remember, this vibrational request happens whether you believe it or not or whether you are consciously trying to influence it or not… 24/7. The more you walk around in a happier mood the more good things will come into your life.

Raising your vibration:

Move your body around. Dance, exercise, anything that makes you feel good.

Get oxygen within the body (see above).

You can do things that do not cost money, but give you release and a sense of uplifting.

Take a salt bath for releasing negative energy.

Hold an attitude of gratitude and it will calm your heart.

Recognize what you do have with gratitude. Be present in the moment for the best part of that moment. 

Remember, YOU can control your own emotions. No one else can. You hold the power.

All matter is energy.  Everything you see… energy.

Special Note: “Energy Vampires.” Those that wish to take your positive energy from you. Sometimes they are so obvious that they become known as “debbie downers.” They always are in a mode that brings everyone around them down to a lower mood. Sometimes they are not so obvious. A person that is always in crisis is another example of an energy vampire. They live in an atmosphere of drama. Then they such you into the same vortex. 

Identify them and stay far away from them. Be aware that there are people in the world who carry a lower vibration that draws upon other people’s higher vibration in order to pick themselves up and make themselves feel better. They are the type of people where you feel bad or drained after having been around them. Basically, they have sucked away your good vibrations (hence the term vampire). You can protect yourself from them by first removing yourself from their presence and second buy setting an energy protection around you before you encounter them. 

Do this by setting your intension. Setting your intension is a very important concept and it means that you purposefully think about what you want. You are aware of the mode you want and know you are deserving of it. You take it on as yours. 

First, be in a quite or calm frame of mind. Think of a very white and pure light surrounding you from head to toe like an egg around you. Just visualize it for a bit. you are in the middle of a white comforting light. Next, wrap that white light with a very calming blue light. Think of these lights as beautiful, warm, healing and loving. Tell yourself this is Gods’ love and that you are protected from all energies that are not of the Gods’ light. Think of having all negative energies that you might hold getting sucked out of you and away from you like a vacuum. Send them to the sun to burn up. Ask your spirit guides or Jesus to take them away and to help protect you (more on spirit guides and archangels later). You can also ask an archangel or many archangels to protect you. 

Jesus is always there to protect you. All you have to do is ask. “Jesus, please help me.”


Bible Verse: Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for i am your God; i will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


There is no limit on doing this. You can do it before you leave the house. You can do it when you come home. You can do it before you go into an area where there are people. You can do it when you wake for the day or put your head down on the pillow at night.

You can also ask for the clearing of any negative energies, at any time, using the same process. Remember, that the support you get from other dimensions like Jesus, your Guides and Archangels cannot happen without you asking them to come into your life and help you. Otherwise, they must remain hands off. That is the Law of Free Will. Use them. They are NOT ALLOWED TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR FREE WILL. That would mess up your whole chance of learning anything on your own. Set your protection everyday from any “energy vampires” or any unwanted energy at all.

However, if you ask for them to come into your life… That is your choice. That is also an example of you coming back to God. Remember my example in the first chapter.

An example: In Boy Scouts they refer to their program as “boy lead.” So parents are to take a step back and allow the scout to learn lessons on their own. The program offers a safe framework in order for the Scout to operate and a curriculum to learn. Parents are only supposed to interfere if there is danger to the scout or others around them. But, if the Scout asks for help… of course the parent is there to help. The higher realms are similar. They await our requests and rejoice when we call upon them.


Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39

“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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Emotions: A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others


Emotions are the best way to quickly tap into what your vibration is at any moment. You are constantly emitting a vibration. You can’t help it. It is going on 24/7. What you can help is what type of vibration you are emitting. Vibrations can be measure by frequency similar to a radio dial. Think of a dial with bad emotions on one end and super happy emotions on the other end. You are constantly somewhere on this dial all the time, 24/7. By being aware of your emotions, you can quickly identify what vibration you are sending out. Now, think about your vibration as a “request” to the universe. Your vibration is asking for the universe to fill your life with more of the same thing your are sending out. So, if you are angry (anger is a vibration or frequency), you are asking the universe to fill your life with more things that make you angry. Ever feel like a bad day goes from bad to worse? Or a good day seems to get even better? Or an OK day seems to simply stay just OK? Think about the emotion meter. The universe will give you what you ask for even if you don’t even know you are asking.
What you want to do is be able to turn a bad day into a better day. Sometimes you might have heard me talk about this as the Law of Attraction. It is a law that is effecting your life regardless of whether you know about it or believe in it. You will simply get more of what you are thinking about on your emotional meter. The good news is that there is a built in delay. How fast it comes into your life can depend upon how strong the vibration. So, what do you do if you are having a bad day or simply something bad happens? Remember the earlier chapter that states you are here to find and live in Joy? If you live your life through the perspective of Joy, you will be able to find something good in everything that happens if you try.
When your Grandfather Ron Farmer and later your Grandmother Betsy (Mimi) Farmer passed to Heaven, they were very sad days for me. But, despite the very big sense of loss, there was much to be thankful for. I’m sad Mimi died alone. However, I’m glad she passed in her own home and peacefully. She was not in an accident or need to have major surgery. She did not ever want to go into a nursing home. It was a pretty big deal for her. She also had a lot of heath issues. So she is no longer in pain and was able to end this life in a way that she preferred. This is an extreme example, but it makes the point. You can apply this to any situation. Keep in mind that whatever happens in your life, you first called it in through either 1) your choices, 2) the Law of Attraction or 3) through your Soul Contract (see more about Soul Contracts in a later chapter). Your job is to use your Free Will and make your choices consciously. Know that you can affect what happens in your life more than you are currently aware. Choose the vibration you want to hold within you that gets sent to the universe and asks for more of what you want.
I realize this is not easy, especially at first. But, remember how to eat an elephant… One small bite at a time. That means instead of thinking you can go from a sad or mad mood to a real happy one you should take smaller steps. Going from a sad or mad mood to a neutral one might be easier. Neutral meaning it is a thought that does not make you mad or happy. How do you do this? Sometimes it is a simple as changing your attention. I often use the comfort of our pets. Animals are keenly intuitive to our vibrations. Pets often come to our side when we are in emotional pain. Our pets Roxy and Reily have given both your mother and I great comfort in tough times. Simply taking your attention off of what is upsetting you and placing it on something that comforts you is enough to change your vibration. Instantly.
Remember to keep your attention in the NOW. Don’t think long term or ancient history. Simply by petting or holding your pet and appreciating them for their unconditional love will change your vibration. At the very least it is a step in the right direction. Continue to do this over time and you will take the pain and bad vibration out of what was bothering you. You will release the energy that holds you back. The more you think about it or hold on to it, the more it remains in your life and can even intensify.
One I have mentioned earlier is to find something positive in any situation. If your car gets stolen, perhaps it was before you put a lot of money into tricking it out. Of that you had insurance and still have a way to get to work and school. If you were overlooked for a promotion… perhaps it is to free you up to a new and/or better opportunity coming that you will now be available for rather than tied up with where you were. Trust me, there is always a silver lining even if it is there by the grace of a very small thread. That’s ok. Hold onto that thread. Pull on it. See where it takes you. It may help to get your emotions back to neutral… then… higher.
Here is another tool. If you have a bad emotion come up. Feel it, let it come up and be with it a moment, so you can process it. Then give a really big breath through your mouth and blow it out. This will send it out past your aura and away from you. You may need to do this several times, until the negative emotion is released. You will actually feel it happen. You then have a chance to put a different emotion in its place using one of the techniques or processes above.
Like Free Will, emotions are a gift. Think of the Emotions Meter. Emotions guide us. They quickly tell us what energy we are putting out to the universe. They tell us what we are asking back from the universe. The universe will always deliver. Be aware. Pay attention. Know that you can affect this energy. Play with it. Test it out. Stay happy. Stay joyous. Love what you are doing and who you are doing it with.

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Meditation: Self-induce a mode of consciousness


Meditation is mentioned in many bible verses. Contrary to some beliefs, mediation is not Witchcraft, negative, or evil in any way as long as you are doing it with the purpose of what is best for you and within a perspective of love. Here are just a couple.


Bible Verse: Psalm 1:2

but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.

Bible Verse: Psalm 104:34

May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD.


Why meditate? To raise your vibration and consciousness. This helps relax the mind, quiet the ego, and better connect you with your Higher-Self, spirit guides, and angels.

Angels, must in turn, slow their vibration down to meet yours. The higher you make your vibration, the easier it is to connect with them and the stronger the experience/feeling for you. Meditation can also positively affect the energy in and around your body therefore helping you physically as well as mentally. Remember, this gets the conscious mind out of the way. You may try this at the same time each day and ask your guides to meet you.

Before you begin meditating, lighten your mood by moving your body around a bit. Slowly move, dance, or stretch as you breath deeply. Do what makes you feel happy and relaxed. Take a salt bath to relax your muscles and release negative energy. Hold an attitude of gratitude in your heart. Think of what you appreciate. These things can begin the process of releasing the negativity that my be stored within your thoughts and energy.

Now prepare yourself further. Put on some soothing music. I recommend music from a group called Liquid Minds. You want soothing music that will be in the background, but not take your attention away from your thought. Find a quite spot where you will not be disturbed. Make sure your electronics and phone are off. Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your spine straight. This will allow energy to flow from the bottom of your spine to the top of your head or Crown Chakra. You can sit in a chair, on the floor with legs crossed or uncrossed or simply lay down with a pillow under your head. Take your shoes off to connect better with the ground.

You can burn incense if you like. Incense helps raise your vibration. The more you involve your other senses the better (smell and music). Frankincense and Myrrh are two very good incenses for meditation. Have a piece of “dark” chocolate before you meditate. This can also release a sense of pleasure and peacefulness within you.

Be in the moment. Think of nothing, but the Now. This is best achieved by concentrating on your breath. By breathing deeply, slowly, and deliberately. Be sure to set your intentions. Say, I want to relax, raise my vibration, connect with my spirit guides and (fill in the blank). Whatever you want to achieve. Say it to yourself. Out loud is even better.

Begin by breathing in through your mouth, hold it for a three count, then release it through your nose. Let all your air out. Envision your lower back meeting the front of your stomach. Breath in again. Repeat the process 10 times. You can then switch it up and breath in through your nose, hold at the top and breath out through your mouth. Do this 10 times. With each breath feel the stress of the day melt away. You can begin envisioning this from the top of your head and work your way to your toes. See the stress simply shoot out of your fingers and toes as it leaves your body. In its place is a golden loving light that enters through your You can also think of breathing from any part of your body (i.e. from your heart Chakra). This will bring energy to that area. If you have a back ache, breath energy into the area to open it up and relax it.

If at any time you feel you are thinking of something specific, don’t fight it. Let it pass through your mind. You can always bring your thought back to your breathing.

Now envision a cord of light coming from your ankles and the bottom of your spine and into the Earth. See it travel down deep into the center of the Earth. Feel it travel down and hook into the Earth’ core. You may feel a sensation of it taking hold. Don’t rush it. If it doesn’t happen right away, give it a moment. Keep seeing the energy travel into the Earth.

Next, see a ball of energy just above your head (or crown chakra). See this energy travel up toward the sky. See it go directly into the sun. Don’t worry what time of day it is now… just envision the sun above you and the energy going right into it. You are now connected to the Earth and the Universe. 

Protection: It is important to shield yourself from energies that are not positive or from the light. This is a MUST! Simply, see yourself enclosed in an egg shaped ball of white or golden light. Next, wrap that energy in a vibrant blue light. In between each, think of a vacuum where anything that is negative gets automatically sucked out and sent to the sun to burn up. Only positive, loving light, and light that you invite in can penetrate and reach you. Ask your spirit guides for assistance. Simply say, dear spirit guide, please help protect me from all things that are not from the light. Only let energy in that is of the light and is for my highest and best good. You are now protected.

Return to your breath for a bit. Continue to relax. Continue to envision the stress falling away. Relax deeper into a state of weightlessness and peacefulness. 

At this point, you can ask your Guides questions or for assistance with something. Pay attention to what happens next. You may get an energy feeling, a tingling, a sense of warmth or any number of reactions. You may feel nothing. This is ok to. Believe me, they heard you. The answer is available. It just may take a period of time for you to receive it.

Be with the energy. Enjoy the feeling.

When you are complete, reverse the process and become aware of your breathing again. Become aware of your body, your fingers, your toes. Begin to stretch them out. Open your eyes, if they were closed (you don’t always have to meditate with your eyes closed). Become aware of your surroundings. Take your time.

Meditating this way is how you get in touch with yourself and create a relationship with your Guides and Angels. Meditation builds upon itself. The more you do it the better results you will have. 21 days of something will but it in your subconscious. You will find that it becomes easier and easier to get yourself into a meditative state. Your energy will be higher and higher each time. You will get to the point where you can’t wait for the chance to sit quietly and meditate.

No matter what may be bothering you in your day, if you meditate it will bring you back to the energy that is much higher in vibration. One that is full of love and peace. It will re-connect you with who you truly are and help put things in perspective.

You can meditate as often as two times a day if you like. It does not have to be long. You can start with 15 to 30 min. if you like and work up to an hour. Or simply keep in at 30 min. You will soon find what works best for you.

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