
Does the Lord Hear My Prayers?

Prayers: An earnest request or expression to a higher Being


If you have ever wondered this, there are some things you should keep in mind. Be aware of the level of vibration you are praying from. Your prayers can actually be intercepted, if they are not of the right vibration and properly sent to the highest dimension.

Ever hear of a Flibby? Flibbys are what some people call those spirits (people) that die and pass to the next dimension. We live in the 3rd dimension. When you die, you go to the 4th dimension. Those Beings that pass to the next dimension that were not very nice people tend to hang around the lower part of the 4th dimension. Keep in mind, you automatically pass to the 4th dimension when you die, whether you were a positive or negative type of spirit. You have no choice. However, if the spirit was negative they would tend to stay around the bottom portion of the 4th dimension, because they would not have ascended their soul much. This means they are closer to your vibration here in the 3rd dimension. Some spirits don’t even realize they passed over.

Spirits that pass to the 4th dimension that did a great job of ascending their soul while on earth would tend to be at a higher vibration and therefore be higher in the next dimension… Further from your vibration here in the 3rd dimension.

So, when you pray with a negative or lower vibration of your own and your request rides your lower vibration to the higher dimension (remember your thoughts are things and they automatically become energy riding a vibration), who do you think gets them first? The energies that are hanging around the lower part of the 4th dimension. Remember, they tend to be the less desirable types of spirits. 

What do you do? How do you avoid this and get your prayers higher up to your Guides, Angels, or God? You need to hold the highest vibration you can and pray with specific intensions and direction of where you are sending the prayer (see Vibrations in earlier chapter). The sun is the open door (energy) to the universe and God. Set your intensions to send your prayer to the sun. This will bypass the lower dimensions and not-so-nice spirits and take your prayer right to God. This way your Angels, Guides, and passed family members will receive it directly without any interference.

Your prayer should be from a point of view of being humble, loving, and not aimed at hurting anyone including yourself.

Think of it as an honor to ask for help and especially to receive it. 

Answers to your prayers only come if it is best for your highest and best good. If you get no answer, you either missed the answer, because they can be subtle, or the lower dimensional beings in the 4th dimension got your prayer, or it was not for your highest and best good. You may need to re-evaluate your request.

Help may come in a number of different ways. It could be a coincidental meeting with someone that could help you with what ever problem you are working on. It could be to help you avoid meeting someone that would harm you. Chances are, it won’t be like the burning bush that Moses received when God spoke to him (bible story) or the clouds parting and heavenly Angels coming down to speak to you. It will be more subtle. You need to pay attention to your heart.

You may also be going through a struggle that you selected in your Soul Contract (see Soul Contract in earlier chapter). Therefore, you may not receive the type of help you are looking for. Instead of the kind of help that has you avoid a situation, you may receive help that allows you to get through it more easily. Or to shorten the duration of what you are going through. There are many possibilities. What I want you to do here is remain open and understand there is a process here. That you are being heard. Don’t get bitter toward God. Stay loving.

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