Principles to Live By
Principles: A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior
There are many principles that you can develop in your own life to live by for your best and highest good. The bible gives us the 10 commandments. They are all designed to help you live your life to the fullest while at the same time providing ample room to experience life and learn what you came to learn.
Keep in mind that you do not want to hurt others or hurt lots of people at once. Live your life free of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is claiming to have moral standards of beliefs that you expect others to live by, but don’t live by them yourself.
Your principles should be basic (as the 10 commandments are) and you should use them in your daily life as you make decisions and look for Joy (referenced from previous chapters). You have Free Will. You find yourself faced with a choice. You are looking for Joy… You can apply your principles to help you make your choice.
For your reference: The 10 Commandments:
“I am the LORD your God.” Remember that I exist and influence all the world.
“Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above…” Don’t worship things (idols) or people.
“Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD…” Don’t make false oaths in His name.
“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” (we think of this as Sunday). A day to study and remember God and His gifts in your life. To NOT be working on business.
“Honor your father and your mother…” Honor God by fulfilling your obligation to honor your parents.
“Do not murder” A capital sin. We must all live together.
“Do not commit adultery.” Adultery: having sex with another even though you or they are married. Honor the institution of marriage.
“Do not steal.” Taking what is not yours only ultimately hurts you. Honor yourself by being true to yourself and the ultimate Joy you seek in your life.
“Do not bear false witness against your neighbor” Don’t lie. Don’t lie against another person. Don’t bring another person harm by lying.
“Do not covet your neighbor’s wife” Covet is to want or desire that which God has given to another.